Mittwoch, 29. Januar 2014

★ NO. 79

Hello guys,
the last few days I bought some make up. Everything cost 0,95 € so I couldn't resist. Anyway it's only a deep purple kajal, a nail hardener and some liquid eyeliner. (I've seen that you can still buy them that cheap, so do it guys! )
But I've only seen such things as sales of these brands: ESSENCE & CATRICE.  Do you know if some other brands have a sale at the moment too?
I've only tried the nail polish so far, I really can recommend it, its kinda good and for only 0,95 €! So buy it guys if you have the same problem as me. My poor nails are happier now. Believe me.
The liquid Eyeliner is deep black and dries very fast. But I can't say if he stays for 16 hours. Sorry guys, I will tell you if I know more.

Anyway I've started to make some perler beads jewelry.. you know them. I'm pretty sure. Now it's more the nerdy thing as in your childhood. I still own them and thought..hey you still can use them and make some kawaii or cool jewelry from it! 

You see? I've only started so far! I really like them. What do you think would you wear something like that? (As a necklace, bracelet, earrings or something like that?)

have a nice day guys!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hey, habe gerade deinen Blog entdeckt und der ist echt süß! :3

    Eine Schande, wie wenig Leute ihm folgen. '3'

    LIEBE! ♥

    1. Dankeschön :3 das ist echt lieb von dir ♥
      Es freut mich das dir mein Blog gefält~
